The Two-Year Apprenticeship Program (AP) Includes:

  • Three 3-day retreats at Wisdom House in Litchfield, CT
  • Two 24-hour retreats at Wisdom House
  • Fifteen 1-day virtual gatherings
  • Required monthly meetings with a Spiritual Guide
  • Teachings from scholars and experts in four strands of wisdom
  • A 2nd Year individual practicum, guided by an AP Graduate mentor
  • Practice in the art of spiritual guidance

LaNell Haydon’s (AP XXI) Practicum Presentation

LaNell Presents AP XXI

John Deuel’s (AP XIX) Practicum Presentation

Program Strands

The Wisdom of The Guild’s Four Strands

  • Evolutionary Cosmology –  Opens understanding of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s vision integrating science and theology and deepened by other voices like Mary Evelyn Tucker, Brian Swimme, and Ilia Delio.
  • Depth Psychology–  Originated by Carl Jung, whose concepts of the collective and unconscious mind, archetypes, psyche, and shadow help us explore our personal myths and is furthered by Marion Woodman, James Hillman, and Fanny Brewster.
  • Mystic Spirituality –  Explores ancient mystic voices of the East and West and the work of current visionaries such as Mirabai Starr, Thomas Merton, and others.
  • Sacred Community  Acknowledging interconnections, interdependence, and our intentionality within community, fosters relationship and service to one another, society, our world community, and the Earth, as inspired by Parker Palmer, Resmaa Menakem, Thomas Berry, others, and you!

Program Certificate

Apprentices receive a certificate of completion following the two-year program which can be used for college credit at a variety of institutions.

The Program Benefits

• Lifelong membership in the Graduate Circle

• Integration of spirituality within your life

• Grounding in spiritual guidance and sacred activism within your community, profession, and society

• Ability to discern your vocation and gifts in service to others, society, and the world

• Secure a foundation in spiritual listening and sacred response

* Prerequisite for the Depth Psychology 1-year Supervision Program