Committed to the spiritual formation and transformation of all, the Engaged Wisdom Program of the Guild for Spiritual Guidance offers reflective, contemplative opportunities for exploring life’s questions and our lived response within the context of spiritual community. Our programs are grounded in, but not limited to, the spiritual wisdom found in the depth psychology work of Carl G. Jung, the evolutionary cosmology of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, and the voices of mystics and artists from all religious and cultural traditions.   

  • Integral – Programs are open to those who seek a spiritual experience with a wide embrace that includes science, psychology, sacred activism and creative embodiment, as well as contemplative practice (and explorations of the Nature of the Universe)   
  • Sacred Activism – Program participants are invited to explore the challenges often encountered in conversations about diversity, inter-spirituality, and interconnectedness, as we engage with openness the integration of the spiritual life and social action.   
  • Relationships – Programs support the practice of deep listening and sharing. We are committed to deepen relationships with all beings, creation, spirit and the cosmos, integrating the personal human story with the universe story.
  • Cosmos and Psyche – Programs address aspects of the Twelve Understandings as articulated by Thomas Berry and others (e.g. Jung, Joanna Macy, Arne Naess, Brian Swimme, Marcus Borg, David Bohm, Margaret Wheatley, Ursula Goodenough, Mary Conrow Coelho, Mary Evelyn Tucker, John Grim, Ilia Delio) –
  •  See Twelve Understandings Concerning the Ecozoic